Financial Information
The Russian American Children's Foundation, founded as Rusfond USA in 2012, is a non-profit organization exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. EIN #45-5394603
Your contributions are tax deductible under U.S. tax regulations.
The following information about Rusfond USA (Doing Business As) Russian American Children's Foundation is available upon request:
The following websites provide information about charitable organizations:
- Guidestar / Candid the national database of U.S. charitable organizations.
- Charity Navigator has become the nation's largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities.
- U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Their Exempt Organizations Select Check is an on-line search tool that allows users to search for and select an exempt organization and check certain information about its federal tax status and filings.
Select "Search by Organization Name" and enter "Rusfond USA" under "Search Term." Russian American Children's Foundation was founded as Rusfond USA.