Save the Next Russian Baby Born with a Complex Heart Defect - Help Send A Surgical Team to Russia
On-Call Neonatal Cardiac Surgery Team
Since no one can predict when a child with a complex heart defect requiring open-heart surgery will be born, RACF has developed a dynamic new plan to provide an on-call program. When a child is born in Russia with a complex defect, the Russian doctors will contact RACF. If the child can be supported in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for 7-14 days then an American trained team available within that window of time will fly to Russia to provide or assist in open-heart surgery and in the immediate recovery period of 3-6 days. RACF's goal is to have a team available as many as 4-5 times per year for this lifesaving new program.
Each visit to Russia by RACF's On-Call Neonatal Cardiac Surgery Team costs $33,583. Your gift in any amount can help create a miracle for a newborn child.